
Welcome to Troop 437! Proudly sponsored by American Legion post 437 in Westford Massachusetts.



Are you an Arrow of Light scout looking for a Scout Troop to cross over to?  or maybe you are new to Scouting and want a great Troop to join?

Either way, Troop 437 welcomes all youth to come and experience the adventure of scouting!  Visit one of our meetings to experience what Scouting is all about and what makes Troop 437 a great Scout Troop.
We meet every Thursday evening when school is in session.  Meetings start at 7:00 pm at the American Legion Post 437 at 114 Dunstable Road.  Feel free to contact us at info@westfordtroop437.us and let us know you are coming or to contact us with any questions.  For more information about the troop, you can start at our About Us webpage.


2024 Summer Camp at Camp Wanocksett

Gunstock Ski Trip, March 7-8th - Sign up by Thursday, February 13th

Posted on Feb 5 2025 - 6:02pm

The Gunstock Skiing trip will be March 7 to 8th, with skiing on the 8th!

Outing: Skiing/Snow Boarding Trip at Gunstock Ski Area Gilford, NH.

Arrive: Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 PM at Gilford Youth Center

Depart: Saturday, March 8, 2025, at approximately 4:00 PM or when done & ride is available.

Cost: Base Cost plus desired ticket/lesson/rental options (see below). Base cost only for is
non-skiing or for Gunstock pass holders.

Base Cost: $20.00 (includes Friday cracker barrel, lodging, Saturday breakfast, snacks at the ski
area, and donation to stay at the Gilford Youth Center).

Meals: Friday night cracker barrel and Saturday morning breakfast are included. Scouts are
responsible for their dinner Friday and lunch Saturday.



Sign-ups Still Open! Klondike Derby is Saturday February 8th!

Posted on Feb 5 2025 - 6:02pm

Scouts can still sign up!  However, anyone who did not sign up by the 16th will not get the offered early-sign up commemorative hat.


It's time for the 2025 Klondike Derby!

This year the Derby will be held at the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club, 308 Wheeler Rd, Dracut, MA

Date: Saturday February 8th, 2025
Carpool to Event: Meet at Chelmsford HS 6:00 am on Saturday February 8th, the parking lot at Graniteville 
Return: Approximately 6:00 pm on that same Saturday.
Cost: $25 for event registration

Registration includes participation in the event, an embroidered Winter hat for each Scout (no hat for late registration)

Sign-ups are due by Thursday, January 16th, 2025 at 7pm (Just before meeting)

Troop 437 is participating in the West Wind District Klondike Derby on February 8th.  Klondike is a chance for Scouts to practice the skills they've learned throughout the year in a challenging team environment. 
Help the troop defend its 2024 trophy win! This will surely be a fun event as Scouts travel a course and participate in many FUN activities.  Execute activities with a winter survival and adventure theme.

The Klondike Derby takes place each year, and is an opportunity for Troop 437 to compete against other troops in the district. Scouts will see the creativity of other Scouts/leaders to adhere to the theme.

This year will take place at Centralville Sportsmen’s Club, 308 Wheeler Rd, Dracut, MA. Due to limited parking, we will meet at Chelmsford HS and carpool to the site.

Important Note:  All participants must be prepared for cold weather!!!  You must have sturdy, warm footwear (boots, not sneakers), and are strongly encouraged to have micro spikes or snowshoes (people in the troop may have some you can borrow).  Many layers are a necessity as well as extra socks, hats/mittens.  Leg gaiters are a good idea if there is fresh snow.
BE PREPARED! Seasonally Appropriate Clothing Required:
* Warm insulated winter boots - no SNEAKERS, leg gaiters suggested.
* Wool or wicking socks worn with an extra pair of socks carried
* Minimum 3 Layers of Clothing for top & bottom.  Suggested clothing includes a thermal wicking layer next to the body, an insulating layer such as fleece & finally an outside wind/waterproof layer. Please no cotton as it has no insulation value.  This means no jeans!
* Wool or fleece hat.
* Mittens or gloves with a spare pair

For more information contact Isaac Burk at IMBurk@yahoo.com or text him at 978-294-9440

Lonesome Lake Hut Hike - January 25-26, 2025

Posted on Jan 22 2025 - 6:09pm

This is a winter backpacking trip! The hut is a short but rigorous 1,000 foot uphill 1.6 mile hike over moderate terrain (with high probability of snow/ice). This is a chance to experience the beauty of the White Mountains without the crowds. Weather and time dependent, scouts may have the option to continue from the hut up to Cannon Mountain, a NH 4000 footer.

Outing: AMC Lonesome Lake Hut Hike, Franconia Notch Trailhead is Lafayette Place Campground, Franconia Notch State Park

Depart Westford: Saturday, January 25, 2025, Abbot School, 7:00 am Sharp. Arrive at the trailhead at ~9:30 am

Depart Franconia: Sunday, January 26, 2025, leave the trailhead at 11:30 am 

Cost: $65.00 (includes Hut stay, Dinner, Cracker barrel, and Breakfast)
Participants need to pack a lunch for Saturday.

Sign-ups due December 8th



Pinewood Derby Workshops -- we need your help!

Posted on Jan 15 2025 - 6:05pm

We will be hosting the 8th Annual Pinewood Derby Workshops on Wednesday January 15th and Thursday January 16th at the Legion Hall. We need all Scouts and their parents to pitch in to help make the workshops fun and successful!
The workshops are very busy and fun nights for the troop.  Scouts mentor younger visiting Cubs, and Cub families who visit and learn about our troop.  We must have as many scouts attend as possible and many parent helpers are needed also.  Please go to the Signup Genius form and sign up for a parent volunteer position. You don't have to be an expert at anything to be helpful. 
We also need to borrow some of your tools!  The big ticket items that we need are a Bench top drill press and band saws. We also need cordless hand drills, a  couple shop vacs, some C-clamps, sturdy folding tables and a few other items.  Please sign up on the form if you're able to supply any of the items for those two nights.

Any questions, please email Barbara at cc@westfordtroop437.us.  Thank you!

Happy New Year! Time to start thinking about Summer Camp!

Posted on Jan 15 2025 - 6:05pm

Happy New Year!  I hope the new year is off to a great start for everyone.

As we enter the second half of our scouting year, it is time to start thinking about Summer Camp. Summer Camp is an awesome experience this is a great time to put it on your calendar.  We strongly encourage every scout to go to summer camp - it has programs and adventure for everyone!

Troop 437 will be attending Summer Camp from July 27th to August 2nd.  We will once again be attending Camp Wanocksett.

Additional information about summer camp will be published in the coming weeks.

Personal Fitness Test - Sunday, December 15th at 3PM at Stony Brook School

Posted on Dec 11 2024 - 9:12am


This Sunday at 3pm, Mr. Morawiak and Mrs. Anderson will conduct tests for the Personal Fitness merit badge, including:

- the mile run test,
- maximum sit-ups in one minute,
- maximum push-ups in one minute,
- and the sit and reach test.

This would complete merit badge requirements for any scouts that have already started or will be starting personal fitness merit badge this Monday. This is an Eagle required badge! 


Meet at Stony Brook School in Westford Sunday at 3pm. 


It will also be a sign off for Tenderfoot requirement. This is a great badge for newer scouts to check off.

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